Using Gmail or Google Apps for sendmail and postfix on Ubuntu
Lots of people have been asking us to update our previous guide on using Gmail and Google Apps under CentOS for Ubuntu. Wait no longer! […]
Lots of people have been asking us to update our previous guide on using Gmail and Google Apps under CentOS for Ubuntu. Wait no longer! […]
Background You may have updated to Windows 10 only to find that you do not have an appropriate Synaptics TouchPad driver. You used to be […]
Microsoft only allows you to connect to computers running Windows Pro or higher with the Remote Desktop Connection app. They do not allow the Windows […]
For most VMWare ESXi installs you can now just use the open-vm-tools package: Ubuntu: apt-get install open-vm-tools Centos/RHEL: yum install open-vm-tools
Removing older kernels in CentOS, RedHat Linux (RHEL), or Scientific Linux is really easy, if you know how! Yum provides a package called “yum-utils” that […]
Using Gmail or Google Apps for sendmail and postfix on Ubuntu
Synaptics TouchPad Driver with 2-Finger tap in Windows 10
Enable Remote Desktop Connect in Windows Home
HOW TO: Remove old kernels in CentOS & RHEL
Disable the new Clutter folder in Office 365
Mac OS X Energy Saver Schedule and PMSET
Centreon & Nagios Event Handler for APC 9210 PDU
Remove an offending SSH host key from known_hosts
How To: Enable Bacula TLS Encryption, Protect Your Data
Postfix with Gmail relay and IPv6
Bacula: Set up backup source (client computer or server)
How to mount remote SFTP (SSH) file system on your Mac
Grant Windows sysadmin privileges in SQL
Add an EC2 PEM Key to SSH on Linux and Mac OS X
LAN to LAN Routing with Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Dual-WAN
Add CentOS or RHEL Agents for Unitrends Backup
Fixing locale and setlocale LC issues in CentOS and RHEL
Change the default runlevel in CentOS and RHEL
Back up your ESXi configuration with vCLI tools
Creating a customized image with MDT
Old PC as AirPlay receiver with Shairport & Ubuntu
SnagIt! 11 Automated and Silent Installation Instructions
Adding Realtek drivers to ESXi 5.5
Adobe Software Direct Download Links (DDL)
Windows 7 links to USB and DVD media
Create a Mac OS X Service to Open a New Instance of an App
Configuring Bacula to Use TLS to Encrypt Connections
Renew IP address from the Mac OS X Terminal
MDT: Define and create a new theme in Unattend.xml
Pasco Index.DAT Viewer Time Correction
Postfix relay using Gmail on CentOS
Bacula: Fixing huge MySQL "Log" tables
Creating and Using SSH Key Files to Lock Down a System
How To: Networking in CentOS under Hyper-V
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